2737 Cardinal, Costa Mesa
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM

2064 Phalarope, Costa Mesa
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM


20501 Callieburn, Huntington Beach
Fri 10:30AM -1 :30PM & Sat & Sun 1-4 PM


3058 N Westhaven, Orange
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM


We are built on a philosophy of Heritage & Hustle L3 is a full service real estate agency with a regional office located in the heart of #CostaMesa, offering a wide-array of custom services to meet their clients’ needs with roots in the community since 1976. It’s L3 mission to provide trusted, convenient, responsive service to ensure clients enjoy their real estate experience. L3 was originally formed to offer personal, concierge-level service as an alternative to the large, nationally based…

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If you’ve been contemplating selling your Costa Mesa home, if you came across last week’s USA Today article that found “home sales are slowing,” it might make you think twice. You couldn’t be faulted for jumping to the conclusion that slowing national sales means tough sledding for selling Costa Mesa homes—but that takeaway is almost certainly wrong. The reasons are tied to the nature of the market—specifically, to this year’s Costa Mesa market. It is true that in some slow markets, sellers find themselves at a disadvantage. That’s the case when a sales slowdown is due to a national economic outlook that makes consumers nervous, or to financial turmoil like runaway inflation, or to other general conditions that drive down the number of eager…

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2737 Cardinal, Costa Mesa
Sun 1-4 PM

2064 Phalarope, Costa Mesa
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM


We are built on a philosophy of Heritage & Hustle L3 is a full service real estate agency with a regional office located in the heart of #CostaMesa, offering a wide-array of custom services to meet their clients’ needs with roots in the community since 1976. It’s L3 mission to provide trusted, convenient, responsive service to ensure clients enjoy their real estate experience. L3 was originally formed to offer personal, concierge-level service as an alternative to the large, nationally based real estate companies. From its small beginnings of only two employees, L3 has grown to a full staff of 20 serving over 300 clients a…

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It may sound paradoxical, but one proven way to sell your Costa Mesa home is to make it boring…or at least, a little bit more boring. The principle here stems from buyer psychology—specifically, the difference between a house that would make a great tourist attraction and one whose first impression is more apt to lead to a sale. At first blush, the flashy version might seem to be not only memorable, ¬¬¬but more valuable as well. But that’s not typically true. A potential buyer can remember your house in two different ways. One memory might be of striking red walls and purple tile that call to mind images from an architectural magazine. That sort of memory will be vivid, but it doesn’t necessarily help to sell your home. A different type of memory…

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2737 Cardinal, Costa Mesa
2737 Cardinal, Costa Mesa
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM

2064 Phalarope, Costa Mesa
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM

5722 E Stillwater Ave #15, Orange
Sat & Sun 1-4pm

3012 Buchanan, Costa Mesa
Sat & Sun 1-4 PM

  We are built on a philosophy of Heritage & Hustle L3 is a full service real estate agency with a regional office located in the heart of #CostaMesa, offering a wide-array of custom services to meet their clients’ needs with roots in the community since 1976. It’s L3 mission to provide trusted, convenient, responsive service to ensure clients enjoy their real estate experience. L3 was originally formed to offer personal, concierge-level service as an alternative to the large, nationally based real estate companies. From its small…

773 Views, 0 Comments

When is the best time for selling your Costa Mesa house? Is there even a best time? If the change in residence is triggered by some inflexible external factor (like a transfer at work), the answer is foreordained: NOW! That can be right now, or in November, or February—since you will be making the move, to avoid paying for two homes, there really isn’t a choice. The sooner it’s listed, the better. But if the timing of a move is completely at your discretion, the “when” can be troubling. More than one Costa Mesa homeowner has worried so long and hard about the issue that years pass. When the For Sale sign does eventually go up, it’s probably because the cost of inaction has become apparent. The true answer to the question about the optimal time for…

898 Views, 0 Comments

The text that accompanies your listing as it appears in the Costa Mesa MLS listings is called upon to do more heavy lifting than you might think. If it reads something like: THREE BEDROOM ranch style Costa Mesa charmer with 2 ½ baths, attractive kitchen, and fully landscaped backyard… —then it will only be serving half-duty. A blurb like this does succeed in emphasizing basic nuts-and-bolts details, but every Costa Mesa listing already includes the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and the rest. What’s missing is the story part of the story—the human element that strikes a chord with a reader’s own personal experience. It’s the pathway to emotions that astute marketers strive to reach. Successfully employed, it adds power to any Costa Mesa listing. One…

821 Views, 0 Comments



3224 Minnesta

Fri 11-2 pm, Sat & Sun 1-4 pm


2737 Cardinal

Sat 1-4 pm


3012 Buchanan Way

Sat & Sun 1-4pm


3001 Garfield

Fri 1-2pm, Sat & Sun 1-4 pm


5722 E Stillwater #15, Orange

Sat & Sun 1-4 pm


We are built on a philosophy of Heritage & Hustle L3 is a full service real estate agency with a regional office located in the heart of #CostaMesa, offering a wide-array of custom services to meet their clients’ needs with roots in the community since 1976. It’s L3 mission to provide trusted, convenient, responsive service to ensure clients enjoy their real estate experience. L3 was originally formed to offer personal, concierge-level service as an…

864 Views, 0 Comments