Costa Mesa Real Estate Observers Welcome Latest Moderation
Posted by Matt Kanoudi on
The news from around the nation gave Costa Mesa real estate followers good reason to doubt a tendency in the national media. For most of the month, much of the reportage had seemed to project an undertone of vaguely inauspicious goings-on. “Buyer Frustration is Slowing Real Estate Demand,” said one. CNBC’s speculators talked of a price bubble (if the Fed continued “stoking” it).
So it was oddly discordant to read last week’s actual news—all of it indicating a strong market with hints that its underpinnings were moderating. Briefly, the high points covered by the NAR’s® Newsroom release:
- Inventory. “We see inventory beginning to tick up…” according to NAR Chief Economist. July listings were up 7.3% from the previous month—a sign that pointed…
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