One puzzle for homeowners deciding whether now is the time to put their Costa Mesa homes up for sale is whether rising mortgage rates will measurably slow the response. It’s far from certain that Costa Mesa home loan rates will continue to rise as we go forward—but it’s likely enough. The picture becomes even less predictable if you add in the notion that it’s far from certain that higher borrowing rates will necessarily dampen buyer activity.

The reason for the hemming and hawing on this point was laid out by’s Sharon Lurye earlier this month. She points out that this has already been a “paradigm-breaking” real estate market—one with the promise of more common-sense-busting developments to come.

Granted, it’s a given that today’s…

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Costa Mesa residents are well-steeped in the origins of the traditional Thanksgiving holiday. The Pilgrims escaped religious persecution, survived the perilous voyage on the Mayflower, met and befriended some helpful locals etc., etc. Whether or not turkeys were on the menu for the three-day feast is subject to debate—but the spirit of this year’s Costa Mesa Thanksgiving, as before, is the renewal of the Pilgrim’s gratitude for the bounty of the vast new land. After that first cruel winter, that wasn’t something to be taken for granted.

Among today’s modern bounties is the mixed blessing of the Internet—providing a cornucopia of Thanksgiving trivia. It’s now possible to ferret out Thanksgiving details that few have ever heard before. This year, for…

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Once your Costa Mesa moving date has been determined, tackling the logistics of the upcoming move can cause even the most energetic among us to put off even thinking about getting started. As you look around at everything that’s going to have to be packed up for the move, the magnitude of the task is intimidating. But take heart: there’s a simple way to squelch the urge to procrastinate. You can start by simply sitting down with pencil and paper to organize one specific item—a gotta-have fixture that’s prominent in every moving day expert’s “how-to” planning list.

It's the “Open First” box (sometimes called an “overnight bag”).

Despite universal agreement on its indispensability, opinions differ widely on precisely what needs to go into the box.…

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If you are considering selling your own Costa Mesa home, one natural question you might be curious about is what specific features are currently boosting selling prices the most? A query to Google yields plenty of answers in the form of feature lists. Some popular lists put kitchen improvements first, bathroom improvements next, then features like lighting, energy efficiency upgrades, and so on. Other lists include “spruce up your landscaping” and “increase your finished square footage.

HGTV lists “minor bathroom remodel” in first place (that returns 102% of the dollars invested), while finds “upscale garage door replacement” is currently adding the greatest value when keys change hands.

These are all valid ideas for increasing…

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A couple of years back, CPA and author Stacy Johnson published a sort of personal confessional under the attention-getting title, “Should I Sell My House While Prices are High?” Even if they have no other compelling reason to want to sell, that’s a question that may have crossed the minds of Costa Mesa homeowners who recall the rollercoaster housing markets of previous decades. Mightn’t the stock market’s “buy low, sell high” dictum be relevant today?

Johnson’s subject matter is finance rather than real estate—and it was a financial brainstorm he had in 2008. He had bought his Florida house for $400,000 in 2001, but seven years later, its value “was north of a million bucks.” His idea was to sell it for a hefty profit then rent a temporary…

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The median age of first-time buyers is 34. This is true even though many working adults come to the conclusion that the monthly cash outflow for owning their Costa Mesa residence would be nearly the same as what they pay in rent.

For some, it’s the tax breaks that finally prove decisive; for others (especially when home loan interest rates are as low as they are now), it’s the advantage of retaining the principal portion of their monthly mortgage payment. Regardless of when a first-time Costa Mesa home buyer concludes that homeownership is an achievable way to establish financial stability, making the right choice for their first Costa Mesa residence involves more than dollars and cents.

Failing to recognize the importance of the personal…

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Costa Mesa real estate activity may not echo U.S. results month-by-month, but since national media reports impact how individual Costa Mesa buyers and sellers gauge their own prospects, they are worth keeping an eye on. To date, this fall’s U.S. real estate picture can’t be summarized in a single word or phrase, but so far, what has leaked through from the national press has left a slightly negative impression.’s takeaway was typical. Last Monday’s “Homebuilders growing very concerned about affordability.” Likewise for CNBC’s Tuesday contribution. “Home prices in August hinted at possible cooling in the market.” ‘Possible’ ‘hints’ may not be strong language, but the direction they point to is clear. Given the actual activity…

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