Every now and then we have to shake our heads at how much the electronic transformation has changed daily living in Costa Mesa. Electronics have invaded practically everything—from home wifi to ultra hi-def TV to cell phones that double as search engines.

As you read this, you’re only a couple of clicks away from being able to summon up all the current Costa Mesa homes for sale that fit your chosen criteria. Want to check out 3-bedroom single family residences currently listed for $400,000 or less? Click click: here they are—complete with pictures (and perhaps a video tour). It’s a revolution that’s still ongoing, too—one bound to produce surprises we haven’t even imagined.

Yet, despite the sweeping changes in Costa Mesa real estate marketing, there is one old standby whose power and utility hasn’t changed one whit. It is master of the real (nonvirtual) realm.

The two words in point are “For Sale”—specifically when they appear on one of my eye-catching front yard signs. Their power is undeniable; proven time and time again. As soon as a ‘for sale’ sign appears in a front yard, the secret is out! Everybody in the neighborhood quickly notes the nearby property that’s suddenly available. If family or friends have been thinking of moving closer, it’s a possible solution. If a neighbor has been looking for more room (or thinking of downsizing), likewise. Prospects who have been eyeing the area will write down my phone number and give me a call. Even casual passersby who hadn’t been entertaining the idea of buying a home may suddenly find themselves mulling the possibility: “I hadn’t been thinking of a change, but I saw your sign over on _______, and we were wondering how much they’re asking…”

The truth is, the good old-fashioned ‘For Sale’ sign still packs a wallop—possibly because it sticks out so startlingly on an otherwise unchanging residential street. It’s an unexpected direct communication. And whether or not prospective buyers have even been thinking of themselves in that category, everyone gets the message: what if that place could be mine?

If you will be listing your own home anytime soon, we hope you’ll call!


We are built on a philosophy of Heritage & Hustle.  L3 is a full service real estate agency with a regional office located in the heart of #CostaMesa, offering a wide-array of custom services to meet their clients’ needs with roots in the community since 1976.  It’s L3 mission to provide trusted, convenient, responsive service to ensure clients enjoy their real estate experience. L3 was originally formed to offer personal, concierge-level service as an alternative to the large, nationally based real estate companies. From its small beginnings of only two employees, L3 has grown to a full staff of 25 serving over 300 clients a year. L3 is not limited to serving just its clients; it is also committed to serving the community. Not only has L3 donated hundreds of hours to many area charities, they have also received the prestige of being named one of the #toprealestatecompaniesinCostaMesa  If you’re interested in #buyingorsellinginOrangeCounty, turn to the experts. Turn to The L3 and let them help you make your real estate buying or selling dreams come true. For more information or to get started on finding or selling your home contact The L3 today at 714-444-4663 or email us at info@thel3.com

Posted by Matt Kanoudi on
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