Good fences make good neighbors” was among poet Robert Frost’s most memorable lines. Quoted by rote by his rigid neighbor in Mending Wall, it illustrated an unchallenged notion, handed down for generations. Frost’s point was that, although a fence does show respect for another’s property, where unnecessary, it can also insulate them from each other.

Local homeowners might agree or disagree (or agree with both)—but when it comes to Costa Mesa real estate property boundaries, it’s a pretty good idea for homeowners to know where their own lie. And with precision.

That was the takeaway from last week’s U.S.News feature which sported the promising title, “How Do I Find My Property Lines?”  To make short the answer to that question, the most universal answer ultimately proved to be, “hire a surveyor.”

In neighborhoods which were developed in straightforward patterns, boundary location might not be difficult. There, the parcels might be equal in size and lined up on each side of the street, creating little need for guesswork. Irregular lots are a considerably different matter.

Whether boundaries were delineated last year or centuries ago, there are several places where their descriptions can be found. The assessor’s office keeps a plat map drawn to scale, for one—and the legal description can also be found on the property’s deed. But as a practical matter, those descriptions can be difficult for laymen to follow precisely, even when existing corner markers and landmarks can be located.

There are good reasons to know precisely where Costa Mesa real estate boundaries lie—especially if you are a homeowner planning a project anywhere near a neighbor’s property. Many a swimming pool has been cited over a sewer or other easement—one of the situations that can prove woefully expensive to rectify.

Surveyors’ esoteric descriptions are typical of the precision called upon by many of the specialists whose professions play a part in Costa Mesa real estate matters. Whether buying or selling, we bring our training and experience to help you steer a clear path through them all. Do call us!

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